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~Fall is in the air~

Hello Neighbors!

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in the fastest and slowest year we’ve had in some time. The month of October is a productive time for Sandy Ridge and by now you should have all received the call for candidates letter for a new Board member starting January 1st, 2020.

We’d like to encourage anyone who has some time and desire to improve our community to throw their names in the hat and work together with our current Board in the upcoming year. On November 4th, 2020; we will also be having our Annual Homeowners Meeting to provide an overall update for the membership who doesn’t attend our quarterly meetings. The plan is for all of our meetings to continue being on Zoom for the time being.

If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to HOA Agent, or your Board on the contact us page.