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Summer Updates!

Hello Neighbors! We hope everyone is staying cool and joying their hot hot hot summer!

We wanted to take a few moments and share some community changes that are now in affect and what is coming down the pipeline!

ACC Request Form Changes:
As we received more and more ACC requests over the years, we found that at times there can be significant back and forth looking for the details of colors, plantings, or structures for the request. In an effort to streamline the process we’re now looking for all of that information up front in a new form. Please remember to be as detailed as possible with your request and we’ll do our best to provide feedback as timely as possible. This form must be submitted for all ACC requests otherwise your request may be marked as incomplete. For more information on the ACC process or to grab the form, please head to our ACC Page

Gate Code Change Requests:
We’re excited to announce that HOA Agent is very close in helping our community with gate code change requests! In the near future, if you need any gate code changes, or have any gate code related questions, please create a maintenance request on the HOA Agent Portal, or reach out via email for some help! More details on the processes and procedures will be coming out soon!

Columbia Construction:
For those that have not yet heard, Spokane County has postponed the schedule for both Phase 1 and 2 (East and West) Columbia repair to Spring of 2022. This will include some traffic calming measures, as well as some repair!

Northwood’s Annual National Night Out Against Crime:
Northwood will be hosting their annual Night Out Against Crime on August 3rd, 2021 from 6:30PM-8:30PM in our shared park at the north end of the community. Our community is invited to attend and chat with some of our community neighbors and local first responders. Snow Cones will be available to keep us cooled down and a bouncy castle there for the kids. If you have any questions about Northwood’s Annual Night Out, you can reach out to them at northwood.homeowners at gmail dot com

Elections for 2022:
Be on the lookout for a call to candidates and Annual Owners Meeting information soon. For 2022, our Board opted to hold the Annual Owners Meeting on Zoom and we’ll be sending out the information for proxy and voting as we did last year! If there are any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.